Қонуни Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон «Дар бораи Ваколатдор оид ба ҳуқуқи инсон дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон» 20 марти соли 2008 қабул шудааст.
With a view to ensure the protection of the rights of the child in the Republic of Tajikistan, I propose to establish the Institute of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child.
Education and upbringing of the children and adolescents are the important issues for the social policy of the government.
If we want to ensure decent future in Tajikistan, we have to establish necessary conditions today for gifted and talented adolescents and youths.
Indeed, children are the future for the prosperity and development of each nation, invaluable treasure of every family, society and the state, and they are happiness of each father and mother.
The adolescents and youth need to cherish peace and tranquility, political stability and independence and freedom, as the generation that builds future, continue to strive for the protection and scale up achievements of independence.
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(+992 37) 2217352 | |
info@vhk.tj, info@ombudsman.tj | |
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